Our Mission

I knit. You knit. We all knit better here.

You're a creative person with unique ideas for products that don't quite fit into cookie cutter manufacturing, We can help give you the vocabulary and the background knowledge to design effectively, knit efficiently, and work intelligently with your vendors in trouble shooting and resolving technical, material, stitch, and design issues. 

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Technology Track

Focus on the moving parts of the machine

Designing and creating 3D knit products has never been so popular. But, no one teaches the technology in detail, not even the machine builders. Many designers, engineers, brands, and companies have no idea where to start. In these coursex you’ll learn the basics, while simple to understand, they have a big impact on the look and content of your products. We will, go over a portion of the big picture of what some of the moving parts of an industrial knitting machine are, what they do, why thye're used, and how understanding these highly engineered parts can help you better communicate with vendors and create exceptional products. This series should help you focus your own creative efforts in whichever knitting machine brand you decide to use.

Materials Track

Size, stiffness, grip, and abrasiveness matter.

There are many types of materials, natural and synthetci that can be fed into the knitting machine. How materials actually are routed and tensioned prior to entering the needles is very important to their abiity to be knit. Some adjustments work for one material and not for others. Sometimes special accessories need to be added. Sometimes needles, sinkers or even the gap of the needle bed need to be modified for certain materials.

Stitches Track

Knit. Tuck. Miss. Transfer.

The basic building block of ay knit fabric is a stitch. Stitches are made up of yarns, which are made up of fibers. Building fabrics from the fiber up and planning how they are structured into yarns, and how those yarns are combined and formed into dynamic loops is the whole premise of knitting. This track addresses gauge of the machine and fabric construction.

Design Track

The knit development process

Developing knit fabrics, products and components is unique, in that we are developing the fabric at the same time we're developing the product. this is very different from the cut and sew process where rolls of existing fabric are sourced, purchased and then cut apart and most of it thrown away. Developing knit apparel with 2 to 3 month windows is a different process than developing technical knit products like footwear, performance gear, medical, and other precision products that require extensive planning, testing, validation, and documentation.